Saint Gabriel's Church

What to Expect

What is the Worship Style (Churchmanship)?

Saint Gabriel’s a welcoming community of people who are on all very different faith journeys. Some people you may meet have been Christians all of their lives and some are new to the faith. This Parish is made up of people of all types of differing pieties and spiritualities. The Rector, considers himself an “Anglo-Catholic” priest, which means he fully embraces the rituals, traditions, and rhythms of the ancient and medieval church. Some Parishioners also come from High-Church backgrounds as well. Still others in the Parish come from very Low-Church backgrounds or from other denominations altogether. Saint Gabriel’s is what is commonly termed “Broad-Church”, and tries to honor and celebrate all forms of churchmanship.

Who Will I meet?

Some people you will meet are former Roman Catholics, others are former Congregationalists, and some are even former Atheists . Some Parishioners are liberal and others are more moderate or conservative. Some are members of the Yacht Club, and others don’t care to know much about boats. Some are good at finding time to pray to God every day, and others are so overscheduled they pray to be able to make it to Church on a Sunday. Some Parishioners are near death and others have just been born, and there are many people in-between. Some are very outgoing and will ask you 100 questions, and others are shy and may only say hello to you at the peace.

What Are All The Books?

In each pew there are several books. The blue Book is the 1982 Hymnal full of traditional and beloved hymns, and the black and red book is Lift Every Voice and Sing a joyful African American hymnal. The red book is the famous Book of Common Prayer, which shapes every Episcopalians faith life through the Daily Office and liturgies of Holy Eucharist.

What is Coffee Hour?

Coffee Hour is a fellowship time that takes place after the 10AM Liturgy in the Parish Hall or outside in the courtyard in the Spring and Summer. This is a time to eat some good food, drink some good coffee, and get to know the community of Saint Gabrel’s better. The Rector, Wardens of the Parish, and the Music Director are always present to chat with.