Saint Gabriel's Episcopal Church


Coffee Hour:

Coffee hour encourages friendliness to new parishioners and support to our longtime faithful. The sign-up platform online keeps communications easy with the coffee angels and we always welcome additional hands! If you’d like to participate, please contact AnnMarie Frederics at

Men’s Group:

The Men’s Group meets Thursdays at 8:00AM in the Parish Hall. 

The Men’s Group is formed with the help of parishioner David Wilson. There is a hot breakfast served, a time of conversation and fellowship, and Fr. Eric will lead a brief time of formation.  Each week we will look at a famous parable of Christ and speak about it together for about fifteen minutes or so.

This informal group will be a great way for the men of our Parish to come together in community and grow in faith alongside each other.

Moveable Feasts:

Moveable Feasts are opportunities to meet and get to know other St. Gabriel’s parishioners by sharing a meal and discussing a faith-based prompt.  One person or couple hosts each month on an alternating basis and everyone brings a dish to contribute.  Gatherings can take place in homes or in the Parish Hall.  Participants are grouped randomly so that new friends can be made.  We are so excited to bring this ministry back to St. Gabriel’s after a pandemic-required break, and sincerely hope you will join us.

Please click this link to sign up.  If you signed up during the ministry fair, there is no need to sign up again.  Questions?  Contact Laura Soares at