Saint Gabriel's Episcopal Church

Planned Giving

The Harwood Society

The Harwood Society was established by the Vestry of St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church in 2011 to honor those who support the parish through planned giving.  Planned giving ensures that parishioners’ stewardship efforts continue after their death.  The purpose of planned giving gifts is to insure the future financial health of St. Gabriel’s by providing funds for the church’s ministry beyond what is possible through the annual operating budget.  Membership in the Harwood Society is dependent upon making a financial bequest to St. Gabriel’s.  This may come through a will or estate planning.  Those who have died and left bequests to St. Gabriel’s are listed on the Memorial Plaque in the narthex of the Church.

If you have any interest in learning more about The Harwood Society, or in joining the Harwood committee, please contact Frederica See, David Titus or Fr. Eric.